Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sick on Weekdays but Not on a Long Weekend

The sun is out and I woke up with a hint of sunlight through my window. Today's going to be one fine day. I hope so. Fingers and toes crossed hoping that Typhoon Helen won't get in the way.

photo source
I caught a fever the other day and it's been nagging me for two nights already. I hate getting sick. I already took some meds hoping that I'll be well today. And yes, I feel better now :) I have to feel better because the husband and I have laid out some plans for the long weekend.

I don't want this fever to spoil the weekend that I'll be spending with the husband. We're looking forward to having homebased beauty remedies and avail our usual two-hour massage. Heaven! I'm so excited:)

Massage really relaxes us. It releases tension and I feel like our bodies are reset to function so well after an hour or two of massage. Breathing in and out. Ahhh I love massages. It also helps to set your mind by reading a few quotes about  releasing tension.

Note that 
(1) We're cutting off some expenses so we'll be doing the whole homebased beauty regimen experiments to our selves.haha 
(2) the husband has strong arms and hands and he can do wonders when he massages me but i can't do the same to him so we'll just call for Sydney's Home Service Massage. The entrepreneurs of Sydney maintain a large number of loyal customers because of their professionalism and non-deceitful methods.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Internet and Its Use

I just had a phone conversation with the husbangbang. We talked about how he feels  his day is so incomplete because his office didn't have internet for the whole week.

I told him he's just used to having the information he needs in just a few clicks. He said he feels uneasy knowing that he doesn't know something and that he'd rather read and study to get the information or realize later that he lacks the information. Fair enough.
photo from
The internet is a very helpful tool and it's really addictive. Too much information. Personally,  if the husband didn't go to ozzilandia years ago, I wouldn't have created my own gmail account. Yes, I'm that boring and outdated.

But now, like the husband, I feel that I have to check my inbox at least thrice or four times a day to check work notifications or visit social networking sites to get updates from my friends and family or just plainly read news and visit informative sites such as SnifdExami and read shopping guides.

Well, thanks to the internet communications is now not a problem and you can learn a lot from it. But again, too much of something is bad so internet should be used in moderation.

Monday, August 13, 2012

"The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing, it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of Divine accident."
-Hugh Walpoe

I'm so tired yet I feel that I have to share these quotes. It's no secret how deeply and madly in love I am with the husband and the quote just strikes me. Well, he just fell asleep minutes ago. Too tired to move and press the end call button but I thank God for that sleepy head!

Good night, fellas time to sleep!

Note: check out other wonderful quotes here and here.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Beige the Chemist

I went through my files this afternoon hoping to find an inspiration to write about when I uncovered a series of pictures of me and my cousin Beige.

We used to eat out, go window shopping and maybe splurge on some guilty tiangge finds. We used to meet super early in the morning since I have to leave Mindoro around midnight and we'll meet before the malls opened. I just love how we used to just laze around whenever our schedules met. 

But things are slightly different, now that she's working as a full time chemist in Bohol and I'm still here in Mindoro. She's not famous or so busy like the chemists we knew from high school or read from here but we're now far from each other and I just miss the company. :(

years ago, she's this tiny and sweet and innocent
but now she looks serious in that beautifully awful costume. ewww!
Hope to see you soon so we can discuss the amazing future ahead of us! Let's make sure that we will not add up on this list!

Monday, August 6, 2012

PMA! Oh Hail to Thee!

It’s that time of the year again when young adults take the next step in their formal education: college entrance exams. You might have heard of self-made millionaires and ask yourselves why formal education is important. If some people are able to do it, maybe I can do it too? For most of us, that's not always the case. In fact, they are rare. Several students who are already enrolled in reputable schools, after finishing their third year in High School, enroll in summer programs specifically designed to help them conquer college entrance exams such as UPCAT, ACET and DLSUCET. For most people who want to land a decent-paying job, going to college (or University, as others may call it) is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

This year, I am tasked to be the recruitment officer of our unit for the Philippine Military Academy Entrance Examination (PMAEE). I have been conducting information drives to schools in our area to enlighten them about the PMAEE. Nothing so special, actually. However,  I am very excited and driven because this is my first time to conduct information drive about my Alma Mater. I didn’t get to be part of the info drive team when I was a cadet (because of some silly reasons I am not proud of) so I just feel like now is my time to shine! Ha! Shampoo ad?

So what make the PMA experience different from other universities? The most significant difference is the Honor System. Each cadet is covered by a code which states:

"We, the cadets, do not lie, cheat, steal, nor tolerate among us those who do so."

Accept the challenge, be a PMA cadet!

P.S. Cheaters are not welcome. As the honor code says, we do not tolerate cheaters - whether it is cheating in academics or in cheating in relationships.

P.P.S. Pets aren't allowed in PMA but now that I can have one, I am considering getting a pup. I hope I'll be able to take good care of it so it wont have to eat its own poop!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

August Gone Cold

Rain, rain go away!

It's been raining for three weeks here in Mindoro. It's cold and the weather has really affected my daily routine.

I used to run outside camp during the late afternoon but that stopped due to the rain. We have this though:

I still prefer to run in the open.

My body clock is also disturbed. Because I am not too tired in the evening due to lack of physical exercise, I end up sleeping late playing computer games and tinkering on everything I could find. I'm having a hard time balancing sleep and video games. I'm blaming it all to the bad weather.

If I was not employed, I would just compensate sleeping late with waking up late. However, I do have a job and I have to be awake by 7am at the latest. Due to lack of sleep, I feel lethargic and less productive.  My puffy eyes do no good as they spill embarrassment.

Young adults may not feel susceptible to lack of sleep. The working class usually have to remedy their lack of sleep with food supplements and multivitamins. People shouldn't forget that  sleep is serious. Sleep is the time when our body and mind can recharge, and if we don't have enough sleep, we might find ourselves too drained to do anything.

Bad, bad weather. Bad bad me. Must. Try. Better. Next. Time.

How about you, how is rainy season treating you?